Monday, December 30, 2019

The Sociological Perspective On Deviance - 1795 Words

Final Assessment Criminology By Kayla Dunn 10/10/2017 When defining deviance, it’s a behavior that is recognized as violating expected rules and norms and behavior that departs significantly from social expectations. In the sociological perspective on deviance, there is subtlety that distinguishes it from our commonsense understanding of the same behavior. Sociologists stress social context, not just individual behavior. That is, deviance is looked at in terms of group processes, definitions, and judgments, and not just as unusual individual acts. Sociologists who study deviance and crime look into cultural norms, how they change over time, how they are enforced, and what happens to individuals and societies when norms are broken.†¦show more content†¦An indifferent perspective lays the cause of crime at the feet of individual perpetrators. This point of view holds that individuals are fundamentally or socially responsible for their own behavior, and maintains that they choose crime over other, more serious crime, cours es of action. Perpetrators may choose crime, advocates of this perspective say, because it is exciting, it offers illicit pleasures and the companionship of thrill-seekers, or because it is simply less demanding than conformity. This viewpoint, which we shall call the social responsibility perspective, tends to become increasingly popular in times when the fear of crime rises. Advocates of the social responsibility perspective, with their emphasis on individual choice, tend to believe that social programs do little to solve the problem of crime because, they say, a certain number of crime-prone individuals, for a variety of personalized reasons, will always make irresponsible choices. With this, advocates of the social responsibility suggest crime reduction strategies based upon firm punishments, imprisonment, individualized rehabilitation, increased security, and a wider use of police powers. The social responsibility perspective characteristically emphasizes a form of micro analysis that tends to focus on the individual offender and his or her biology, psychology, background, and immediate life experiences. A noteShow MoreRelatedDeviance : A Sociological Perspective824 Words   |  4 Pagesor protect loved ones. Deviance is used by society to evaluate behaviors that take place during everyday social norms. Usually most individuals agree or conform to certain behavior or actions. Deviance is defined is numerous ways. Researchers believe that deviance is violation of social norms. Some believe deviant behavior is when one is breaking the law or acting out in a negative manner. Individuals use specific words to classify deviant acts from a sociological perspective . There are crimes thatRead MoreSociological Perspectives Of Crime And Deviance1818 Words   |  8 Pageswhy sociology and the theories that go along with it can explain many of reasons people act the way they do in their societal context and situations. The most of what occurs in the film American Gangster can be explained by these theoretical perspectives of crime in sociology. The successes and failures pictured in the movie are explored more thoroughly by using theories such as differential opportunity, anomie, differential association, etc. Though he is eventually caught by Officer Richie RobertsRead MoreThe Concept of Sociological Perspective of Deviance Essays1127 Words   |  5 PagesThe concept of Sociological Perspective of Deviance also known as â€Å"rule-breaking† behavior or â€Å"counter culture† can be defined as culture norms, values, and morals which shape the social acceptance of individuals or group through their actions or â€Å"unmoral or i llegal† behavior. In order to gain a better understanding of Sociological Perspective of Deviance it is important to understand the broad consensus of behavior and its place in society. Situational deviance pertains to a group who engagesRead MoreSocial Deviance : A Sociological Perspective On Deviant And Criminal Behavior Within Sociology1160 Words   |  5 Pageshere are my thoughts! Social deviance is the study of the violation of cultural norms in either formal or informal contexts. Social deviance is a phenomenon that has existed in all societies with norms. Sociological theories of deviance are those that use social context and social pressures to explain deviance. You’ll find these in your readings for this week. Think of the diagram for a functionalist approach to deviance: Great post! You did a nice job defining deviance as a whole. 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It is recognized as a term with many theories behind it which gives an immense range of interpretations of what deviance is and is not. According to Brym and Lie, deviance is defined as â€Å"departure from a norm that evokes a negative reaction from others† (2015:96). In other words, when someone is doing something that the rest of theRead MoreSociology: Value Conflict1346 Words   |  6 Pagesbe free from values is its ability to separate social facts from values. Since sociology is the study of human nature, some sociologists believed that it cannot be obtained. According to Max Weber, individuals view the world from a value laden perspective. It is impossible to exclude feelings, personal views and judgments, since human beings the subject matter for sociology has feelings, emotions and consciousness. Deviant Behavior The concept of a deviant Behavior refers to a sequence of stagesRead MoreCity of God949 Words   |  4 PagesThough my perspective vastly varies from that of sociological theorists, I think we can both conclude that this movie is an extreme representation as to what can occur when society shuns away disadvantaged youths to a place that lacks justice as well as ethical and moral responsibilities. Sociological perspectives regarding crime emphasize the interconnections between conformity and deviance in different social contexts (cite). In the following paper I will attempt to analyze three sociological theories

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Analysis Of Beowulf By William Shakespeare - 1466 Words

INTRODUCTION The story of Beowulf is around a chivalrous figure who weathered different trials, who ascents to thrashing a beast by the name of Grendel. Beowulf additionally battles and annihilations Grendel s mother and a blaze breathing monster. It is a story of fearlessness, force and what it intends to be a decent King as sigemund was and what it intends to be an awful King, for example, Heremond. The introduced stories in Beowulf fills a few needs, one is a lesson in courage, a lesson in great legislation, to prepare for the ill-use of force and that war can t be settled by intermarriage. One such story of great influence is that of Sigemund. Sigemund epitomizes the gallant code of honor. Sigemund was a†¦show more content†¦These blessings and others are evidence of Beowulf s worth and worth as a warrior. Beowulf and Sigemund both have what we can allude to as the warrior code of honor. Despite death, they both would rather battle than flee and carry on with a life of d isgrace. An alternate interjected stories that serves as an influential lesson to Beowulf is the story of King Heremond. Hrothgar relates this story for Beowulf in light of the fact that it is an alert against the misuses of force and to tell him of his possible destruction if this way is taken. Beowulf was brave of all rivals and battled to shield his distinction and superbness. Beowulf did not have to tell anybody that he was courageous; he demonstrated to them how daring he was. Beowulf required no sword or shield to ensure him from Grendel when he murdered Grendel with his hands And I provide for you promise, She should not in wellbeing departure to cover, to gritty natural hollow, or backwoods speed, or bay of sea, go where she might. This day with quietness persevere through the load, of each trouble, as I know you will. (903-908). Beowulf hopped in the water to battle Grendel s grieving mother, he didn t know where he was going yet, and he tried for radiance and notoriety de monstrating no alarm. Beowulf shows the qualities of an astute pioneer who can assume responsibility in any circumstance. He governs Geatland

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Causes of Broken Family Essay Free Essays

Topic: Broken Family What: Psychological effect of broken family Who: Encounter of Broken Family Where: Philippines Narrowed Topic: Psychological effects of Broken Family in the Philippines. Key Question: 1. What are the psychological effects of broken family in the Philippines ? 2. We will write a custom essay sample on Causes of Broken Family Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now What are the causes of having a broken family in the Philippines ? 3. Who is the most affected of having a broken family in the Philippines ? Key Questions: 1) What are the Psychological effects of broken family in the Philippines? 1. A broken home can make a child insecure. Insecure in a sense that he no longer had a complete family he can call his own. For a child’s mind, a family is composed of a father, mother and children. And living without either his father or mother will create fear and insecurities in him. This feeling of insecurities will even trigger if he is around his friends who are living a normal, complete and happy life. This is especially true in school events where the parents’ presence are required. There are plenty of school activities that involves the parents and seeing scenes like these will even make him feel ashamed of his family situation. 2. The insecurities, self-doubt and lack of confidence in a child can eventually make him uninterested in school. More often, those who are out of school are products of a broken home. 3. Sometimes a child’s reaction on his parents’ announcement of a divorce is not visible. He keeps to himself the pain, shock and anger he feels. This in turn makes him vulnerable to anger, depression, revenge, alcohol, crimes, drugs and so on. He makes these as his outlets. Too much depression, alcohol addiction and drug dependency, if left untreated, can make him mentally ill or can turn him into a criminal. He may even attempt to kill himself if he can no longer handle all the misfortunes which he thinks is killing him softly. 4. Although, let’s say, one parent is still guiding his child, sometimes the traumatic effect of a divorce is just too much for a child to handle that he may even lost interest in life itself. Published on Nov 28, 2010 by marky chavez Article:knoji ,consumer knowledge 2) What are the Causes of having a broken family in the Philippines? Too many arguments that might lead to divorce and the parents divide their children. But I believe its mostly cause by drugs or money. Too much money leads to arguments and greediness which causes to forget about love and divorce. Too poor leads to depression and arguments and feels like they have to split up and start over. Drugs messes with someones head and they mostly die or the family leaves that person behind for the cause of the children’s growing. But its not all parents, some teenagers runs away from home, of course, with their own reasoning. Some parent’s children die and it causes them to split. For the cause of the child’s growing, they divorce and find some place else. Or sometimes, its work. Not working too much or a workaholic may lead up for a broken family. Or if someone dies, then of course they’re broken inside the most. Article: ,inspiring better grades by mimiemo,Feb 2012 3) Who is the most affected by having a broken family in the Philippines? A broken families affect the child’s performance, attitude and self-esteem. They show statistics that broken families affect much of the child’s emotional and spiritual being, that it greatly distresses the child’s education. The study was conducted on teenagers age 13-16. These ages are the most effective, cause at this age, a person discovers how to confront the problems, and he learns how to live with it. They also establish their own personality at this age, so the researcher took advantage of this factor, because by this, the researcher can see how much a person is affected by this king of problems, if there are other factors which counter the problems he/she faces. Some might use friends and other stuff to forget things and focus on studies. Article: ,inspiring better grades by luigiechica2008, Feb 2011 How to cite Causes of Broken Family Essay, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Interview with the Manager of the Tata Motors

Question: Give a discussion of the interview with the Manager of the Tata Motors. Answer: Introduction: In any business organization, the role of a manager occupies an integral part. It is the manager who manages the responsibility to supervise the tasks of the employees working in that particular concern, on which depends the growth of the firm. The presence of a manager in an organization is very much indicative of the evolution that firm is undergoing. Discussion: He works as the negotiator and must possess leadership qualities, he must be able to lead the employees of the organization he is working in, the employees should get motivated and inspired through the ways he manages and leads them and therefore the entire organization (Zikmund et al. 2012). It becomes also very vital for him to perform the role of a good communicator, because it is the manager who acts as the medium between the staff of any company and the director of the company. (McFarland, 2015). Discussion of the interview with the Manager of the Tata Motors: Name of the Manager: Guenter Butschek Designation: CEO and Managing Director No. Of people, he manages 60,000 Years of experience as a manager: More than 25 years Source of information: Research for a project Challenges faced: The manger of the organization seemed to be very satisfied with his roles. When I asked him about the challenges which he faces usually faces while managing the staff, he says, a manager's role is to face various new challenges every single day. He says that as a manager of such a large concern, the issue of communication gap with such a huge staff of the company frequently causes a problematic situation. Another challenge, which he has to take regarding the management of the staff, is the recruitment of the staff, and the decisions to be taken for the appointment of the correct personnel in various departments. This requires prudent decision-making abilities on the manager's part, as it is this on which a part of the firm's growth will actually depend (Peters, 2015). As I asked him to share any difficult situation that he faces, he replies, that a more tough or challenging situation can occur if the communication gap between the staff and the manager increases. Because in such case, the policies and strategies of the firm's growth, as well the issues related to the employees could not be conveyed and solved properly. This in turn may lead to a set back to the company's progress. The works, which make him, feel proud: As I asked the manager to share an experience, which makes can make him feel proud, he says, that the work he has done in so many years of working about which he can really feel proud of, is that of his continuous attempts to remain updated about various information. This has helped him often to introduce innovative techniques. In addition, simultaneously he has built a good rapport with the employees, which really helps him to motivate them by different examples, thereby keeping the entire work go smoothly. This coordination ensures the progress of Tata Motors every day (Gallier Leidner, 2014). Problematic situation faced by him: He shares one of his experiences, in which he had himself taken decisions and devised two or more new facilities thinking about the comfort level of the workers. That was for ensuring good working abilities of the employees. However, that was taken in a negative way by the upper staff and the case went against the manager as the senior leadership thought that he is becoming more inclined towards the workforce. Although later on it proved to be a reason for progress (Badaracco, 2013). This answer inspired me largely. Difference in his opinions before and after he became a supervisor: The manager says very confidently that by being a supervisor or the manager of a reputed company, he has developed his viewpoints and abilities far more than what he used to think and feel before he acquired this designation and was just an MBA student. This was his reply when he was asked by me to share the changes, which has come over the years in his journey from a student to a supervisor. The things he enjoy the most and least: I asked him to reveal the things which he likes the most and least, promptly he says, While leading others, as the manager feels, the one thing that fascinates him largely is the daily learning of different facts related to business and life. However, the least interesting thing about him is the situation where the difference in designation needs to be imposed in certain matters, which is very disturbing for him. The best person he met in his working career and his influence over him: As I asked him, whether he remembers any person who really inspired him in his career, he says, that when he commenced his work in sales departments, he once come across a person who happened to be his manager. The quality in that person which attracted him the most was the way he worked in the same way as the other employees did, thereby inspiring and setting forth an example before them. Summarization: This interview very well gave me an idea of how a manager can successfully perform his duties and work according to the expectations of the company. Conclusion: The information, thus gathered becomes immensely important for a person who is aspiring to reach that position. It has revealed to me, how much indispensable is the role of a manager is for a company, devoid of which an organization cannot progress smoothly (Kerzner,2013). References: Badaracco Jr, J. (2013).Defining moments: When managers must choose between right and right. Harvard Business Press. Galliers, R. D., Leidner, D. E. (2014).Strategic information management: challenges and strategies in managing information systems. Routledge. Kerzner, H. R. (2013).Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley Sons. McFarland, W. (2015). Creating" Talent-Enabled" Change Leaders.Public Manager,44(1), 37. Peters, R. S. (2015).The Role of the Head (Routledge Revivals). Routledge. Zikmund, W., Babin, B., Carr, J., Griffin, M. (2012).Business research methods. Cengage Learning.