Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Military Leaders and Suicide Deaths Essay - 1910 Words

Sometimes in life there are moments that one can think, ‘I would never be able to do that!’ the numbers of people who may say this are the ones that take their own life. Possibly in an attempt to escape the stresses of today’s society, that linger in their mind that they cannot seem to overcome. Everyday people willingly take their lives, without regard to the difficulties they have left on their family and friends. There have been studies on why people commit suicide, but no one has come up with a definite explanation. How these victims of suicide gather the courage to take their own life, and the impact on families left behind is a complex idea that may never be understood. There are many factors that can be a catalyst to committing†¦show more content†¦Today, the Army suicide rate is 20.2 per 100,000 personnel which is higher than registered civilian males ages 19 to 29. The shocking effects of this war are seen in these numbers; before 2001, the Army rarely suffered 10 suicides per 100,000 soldiers. The Marine suicide rate has soared since 2001 from 12 to at least 19.5 per 100,000 soldiers. For every death, at least five members of the armed forces were hospitalized for attempting to take their life (Cogan). About one third of last years’ service members had told at least one person they planned to kill themselves, as found in the report. According to the Navy Times, 2 perce nt of Army, 2.3 percent of Marines and 3 percent of Navy soldiers responded to a survey conducted by the military; a shocking 28,536 members from all branches reported they had attempted suicide at some point. These rapidly increasing fatalities are leaving military personnel scrambling for answers and solutions. However, through a multitude of research there has been some leeway on discovering the common variables amount soldiers committing suicide. The most commonly identified risk factors and stressors, according to the leaders who testified, are relationship issues, work-related problems, financial pressure, legal concerns, alcoholism and substance abuse (Wong). As Army Deputy Chief of Staff Maj. Gen. Thomas Bostick spoke, â€Å"Despite common knowledge, military suicides are not necessarily linked to overseasShow MoreRelatedPersonnel Suicide Prevention among Junior Enlisted and Fellow Officers1240 Words   |  5 Pagesleading causes of death in the U.S. military today is suic ide. According to an article written by Kristina Wong on ABC News, â€Å"More than 2000 of them [military personnel] have killed themselves in the past decade, including last year [2010] compared with 153 in 2001.† (Wong, 2011). The suicide rates vary from branch to branch, and most likely to occur in veterans and active duty members ranking from enlisted to officers. 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